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The Myth of the Liberal Media

Via Firedoglake.

Mike Viqueira, Chairman of the Radio-Television Correspondents' Association wants to flip the script on predatorgate:
Everything is partisan around here, Chris, even this; a lot of Republicans suspect that Democrats have held onto this and disseminated it at the last minute just six weeks before the midterm elections.
Since when is it appropriate for someone in his position to talk about what "a lot of republicans" suspect? A lot of democrats might suspect that gas prices are at the lowest point in years six weeks before the midterm elections to boost republican support but you certainly won't hear anyone in Viquiera's position discussing that idea. For what it's worth, a lot of republicans also suspect that the mainstream media as a whole has a strong liberal bias.

WaPo weighs in and reveals the fact that the FBI knew about all of this in July. This fact definitely deserves some attention and scrutiny. Let's see if anyone else picks up on this and looks further into it.

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