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Online Conference on Digital Media

This conference will actually take place online in an interactive javascript environment. How cool is that? I plan to "be there" with bells on.

Join keynoters Howard Rheingold, author of Smart Mobs, among many other books and articles, and danah boyd, noted researcher and speaker on social networking, for this 2-day examination of the impact of digital media on all aspects of our daily lives.

The conference features 45-minute live breakout sessions conducted in an interactive online format, each with a "live/interactive" component, a "presentation-on-demand" component, and a vibrant threaded discussion that will expand on and illuminate the topic.

Designed for both synchronous and asynchronous participants, the event will be conducted entirely online using an innovative conferencing environment provided by NMC Distinguished Partner LearningTimes. Attendees of NMC's online meetings enjoy a wide range of features commonly associated with their traditional face-to-face conferences, including interactive sessions from engaging presenters, "hallway" conversations, chances to ask presenters questions, and more.
The subject matter of the conference is fascinating as well.
The conference is designed to extend the examination of this phenomenon now underway among leading writers and researchers in the MacArthur-sponsored project to a broader audience, and further explore both the positive and negative aspects of technology on learning, social interaction, self-expression, and more.

Digital media, for this event, is interpreted broadly as anything from the traditional uses of the medium for creating and sharing rich content to the explosion of blogs for self expression, and increasingly, real time interpretation of news and breaking events. Also included is the notion of shared content via sites like Flickr, YouTube, and blip.tv, social sites like FaceBook and MySpace, and more powerful content and media search tools.